Re: Official Containment Breach Wiki

Serimah wrote:Dude, who the fuck would read that incoherent wall of text?
Even I have the urge to throw you into a room with my Bro. But I fear he might genuinely start crying.
Why do you lock your brother in a room?
Hello, I am [[REDACTED]], [[REDACTED]]. I have been a fan of SCP for [[REDACTED]] [[REDACTED]]. I am also on the SCP:CB Wiki, and thats it so... [[REDACTED]] off much?

Re: Official Containment Breach Wiki

Serimah wrote:Dude, who the fuck would read that incoherent wall of text?
Even I have the urge to throw you into a room with my Bro. But I fear he might genuinely start crying.


I actually took some time to read that nonsense. You write just how some people talk.
Saying alot while saying absolutely nothing :D *snicker*
Hello, I am [[REDACTED]], [[REDACTED]]. I have been a fan of SCP for [[REDACTED]] [[REDACTED]]. I am also on the SCP:CB Wiki, and thats it so... [[REDACTED]] off much?

Re: Official Containment Breach Wiki

Daniel123Shaw123 wrote:
Let me rephrase that: You so improve your English, when blaintly right in your face that was English? I bet next you're gonna say this right here ain't English, senor puta, that is SPANISH, not English, senor puta = Mr. Asshole or Sir Asshole (not that you are one, seriously they are the only Spanish... well I know more but they are the only ones I kind know, thank Red Dead Redemption for that, not Ms Jackson... also.. I was not derailing whatever that means the topic I was comfirming another user of his mistake for not knowing about the 2007 game Call of Duty 4, and all time favourite game of many human beings across the globe? See you just made me go all posh style and shit. Human being instead of people and... whatever, do you get the point? Also I was swearing in a swearing way, not at people! Argueing? You're ARGUEING WITH ME? Stop acting like you deserve more respect because you're a mod, I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Sea- anyway. Erm... unintelligent? Ok, thats not fair play, ban hammer is oscar mike *another reference* but yeah, that was offensive, I mean seriously you're like 05-3, so... calling users shit is kinda offense so... YOU BETRAYYED THE LAW!!!!!!! *you must of got that* ok, can we both stfu now? Also please take your time in viewing thee links, thanks, they are relative to what I was on about... so... yeah... view em... and please both of us will then shush up, ok? :,, S... yeah, don't ban me for shizz I ain't did and enjoy them videos, there actually funny. Also yeah, take a joke because basically all them references where jokes but most importantley I was talking to that guy, who said I was offending Lieutenant Vasquez when I weren't I was saying te NPC in the game got nuked, so yeah... take a joke... also view the links and maybe-ish don't comment back.....????? Because... well you know why. Also this wrn in 5 minutes so... expect typos much...
At first I thought it was a bot.

Re: Official Containment Breach Wiki

CommanderPro100 wrote:
Daniel123Shaw123 wrote:
Let me rephrase that: You so improve your English, when blaintly right in your face that was English? I bet next you're gonna say this right here ain't English, senor puta, that is SPANISH, not English, senor puta = Mr. Asshole or Sir Asshole (not that you are one, seriously they are the only Spanish... well I know more but they are the only ones I kind know, thank Red Dead Redemption for that, not Ms Jackson... also.. I was not derailing whatever that means the topic I was comfirming another user of his mistake for not knowing about the 2007 game Call of Duty 4, and all time favourite game of many human beings across the globe? See you just made me go all posh style and shit. Human being instead of people and... whatever, do you get the point? Also I was swearing in a swearing way, not at people! Argueing? You're ARGUEING WITH ME? Stop acting like you deserve more respect because you're a mod, I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Sea- anyway. Erm... unintelligent? Ok, thats not fair play, ban hammer is oscar mike *another reference* but yeah, that was offensive, I mean seriously you're like 05-3, so... calling users shit is kinda offense so... YOU BETRAYYED THE LAW!!!!!!! *you must of got that* ok, can we both stfu now? Also please take your time in viewing thee links, thanks, they are relative to what I was on about... so... yeah... view em... and please both of us will then shush up, ok? :,, S... yeah, don't ban me for shizz I ain't did and enjoy them videos, there actually funny. Also yeah, take a joke because basically all them references where jokes but most importantley I was talking to that guy, who said I was offending Lieutenant Vasquez when I weren't I was saying te NPC in the game got nuked, so yeah... take a joke... also view the links and maybe-ish don't comment back.....????? Because... well you know why. Also this wrn in 5 minutes so... expect typos much...
At first I thought it was a bot.
You obviously never, as off 1-2 weeks ago when we talking about the new Wiki, also what is your reason for being here, where talking about how some civilian does not know who Lieutenant Vasquez is so........... please.... stop going off topic. Also bots give away there position by saying go to a link and pretending they are commenting to a civilian when they are not and start there sentence off by saying 'Oh yeah.' for example...
Hello, I am [[REDACTED]], [[REDACTED]]. I have been a fan of SCP for [[REDACTED]] [[REDACTED]]. I am also on the SCP:CB Wiki, and thats it so... [[REDACTED]] off much?

Re: Official Containment Breach Wiki

Serimah wrote:Is there an SCP that can decypher any language? I sure would like one now! Offended by the crying?
I need a minute, I think I'm going to laugh my ass off literally :D Someone help me pick it back up.
Well you just said your brother would start cryin if I came in how the shizz is that not and insult, also that language thing is just another insult, so here's mine, its fair, you're and anime loving twat. 2 insults means I get two insults. Fair, now please move on. You also can't say anything about English because you never even mentioned what you're picking back up.
Hello, I am [[REDACTED]], [[REDACTED]]. I have been a fan of SCP for [[REDACTED]] [[REDACTED]]. I am also on the SCP:CB Wiki, and thats it so... [[REDACTED]] off much?

Re: Official Containment Breach Wiki

Serimah wrote:Is there an SCP that can decypher any language? I sure would like one now! Offended by the crying?
I need a minute, I think I'm going to laugh my ass off literally :D Someone help me pick it back up.
Hello, I am [[REDACTED]], [[REDACTED]]. I have been a fan of SCP for [[REDACTED]] [[REDACTED]]. I am also on the SCP:CB Wiki, and thats it so... [[REDACTED]] off much?