SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game written in Blitz3D.

The events of the game take place in a containment site of The SCP Foundation, a secret organization dedicated to containing and researching anomalous artifacts and entities that threaten the normality of the world. You're thrown into the boots of a Class D test subject, one of the Foundation's disposable human guinea pigs.
Not long after receiving your first assignment, the facility undergoes a massive containment breach, leaving you alone in the darkness with the escaped entities roaming around the facility.
Your goal is to make it out alive. You can also search the facility for documents and other clues to figure out what led to the breach, and even attempt to do your part in fixing the situation.

The main antagonist of the game is SCP-173, an animate concrete sculpture that kills all living things on sight, moving toward its victims at a speed of several feet in one blink of an eye and snapping their necks with irresistible strength and lethal precision. Fortunately, SCP-173 has one key weakness: it is frozen in place as long as someone is looking at it.
To make things more interesting, SCP - Containment Breach has a blinking mechanic that forces the character to blink regularly (which often has fatal consequences in the vicinity of SCP-173).

One of the key elements of the game is the procedurally generated map - no playthrough is the same, and you can never know for sure what is going to happen next. There are plenty of obstacles to make the way out of the facility less pleasant. Decontamination gas that makes you blink faster, locked doors that require a key card with a sufficient security clearance or a specific access code to open, timer switch controlled doors, and of course, several escaped SCPs.

When will there be more updates / will you add this feature/SCP to the game?
SCP - Containment Breach has not been in active development for years, and the developers who worked on the game have long since moved on to other things. We thank you for your continued support through all these years! Even though there most likely will not be any official updates to the game any longer, the legacy of the game is still going strong: since the game is open source and under a creative commons license, there have been various projects that build upon and expand the original game.
Could our team continue the development? Could you add my changes to the official game?
For the time being, we have no plans to update the official version of the game. Even if you had implemented some very good features that would fit the game perfectly and that you feel would be ready to drop into the game with no further work, in reality updating the game does take quite a bit of time and effort on our part. We want to make sure everything added to the game is on par with the other content, suits our vision for the game, and works without causing any new issues or bugs - and verifying this requires quite a lot of work.
Can I make a game/movie/book/comic/something based on SCP?
The SCP Foundation is a web-based collaborative fiction writing project SCP - Containment Breach is based on, not the other way around. If you want to build something off the SCP universe, you should familiarize yourself with the licensing terms of the SCP Wiki.
Can I make a game/movie/book/comic/something based on SCP - Containment Breach?
Yes! The game is under the same Creative Commons license as the SCP Wiki, and as long as you follow the terms of the license, you're free to do pretty much whatever you'd like with the game. However, we're currently not interested in taking part in these projects ourselves.
I have an issue with SCP: Secret Laboratory, a mobile game about the SCP Foundation, or some other SCP game...
We are not involved in the development of any other SCP games besides SCP - Containment Breach and SCP-087-B (not even mobile versions or the various reworks, remixes, sequels, spinoffs and ports of SCP - Containment Breach). You need to reach out to the developers of the game instead.