SUGGESTION: Peeking around corners.

Would it be possible to add a new feature that allows the players to peek around the corner but have a chance to be or not to be seen by the mtfs while the player attempts to look around a corner behind the wall?

The way this could be done is simple by changing where the camera is to lean to the side and rotate a little as if the player was peeking around the corner.
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Re: SUGGESTION: Peeking around corners.

CommanderPro100 wrote:Isn't that a bit too similar to Amnesia?
What? Just because you can lean, makes it "too similar" to amnesia? As far as Im concerned, a lot of games have that ability. Then again, the whole concept of the game is similar to amnesia. You know the running and hiding as your only chance of survival.

I think the idea would be nice. It wouldn't do much when it comes to the SCPs, but with the MTF, it could help to hide and to know when they are gone. After all, crouching was added just because of them.
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-