Ending ideas/ other ideas

So, i've seen all the endings and they all just depress me in a way, so maybe there could be a way that you could knock out one of the MTF and possibly take there suit so that when you get to a gate and the soldiers see you, they'll think you're part of their unit, and you would taken off in a helicopter or something. Also, there could be a really bad ending, like all the SCP's get out and you see them attacking each other, destroying the site, and some possibly heading for you. The ending dialogue for the suit taking ending could be that they seal the breach, and they find the looted soldier lying on the ground, and they wonder what happened. The ending dialogue for the SCP breakout could be where they list all the SCP's that have escaped (or a shortened list) and they make plans to re-capture them. Just some thoughts. Add some thought if you'd like.
Pewdiepie: Lets just take this nice and ea- *dies*
Markiplier: I dont like this game, but i sure can beat it. *opens door and dies*
Me: LETS DO THIS! *opens door and runs into SCP-106* ._.

Re: Ending ideas/ other ideas

I have 2 ideas for some possible endings:

Ending 1: You escape Gate A without being confronted by [REDACTED]. You end up walking along a seemingly endless landscape of hills and grass. After walking for a while, you hear a human scream behind you fading in. You turn around to see 096 at least a meter in front of you charging at full speed. The screen goes black and sound ends. The ending screen shows up and you hear a voice saying that he has found SCP 096 outside the site sitting in a pool of blood. This ending should be unlocked if you escape through the elevator with SCP 096 nearby.

Ending 2: You escape through a possible Gate C or abandoned underground tunnels that have been dug by someone. Suddenly the earth shakes and you hear a panicked voice over the intercom saying SCP 231 has been released by 231-7. An extremely distorted roar and demonic voice is heard announcing the death of everything. The sky turns red and erupts into flames. A whirlwind of fire appears in the site and the world appears to end. The ending screen appears and a news report is heard telling everyone to seek refuge underground before the reporter is heard screaming in fear as the broadcast ends.
ey b0ss, can I habe de pussi plz?

Re: Ending ideas/ other ideas

HorrorFreek wrote:

A UFO ending for doing a ridiculously ludicrous sequence of steps. We should have an ending with escaped SCPs wreaking havoc and the MTFs having a battle with them.
Atheros drivers SUCK!