Pink Troll Taco Mod

I was going to play an unmodded SCP-087-B for a Youtube gameplay, but I got too chicken that I decided to mod it, it went well, but Fraps likes to crap its butt that my voice wouldn't render in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, but I decided to make the best of it and upload this mod here, so enjoy... I guess.

New in this mod (What I've never done before in my past mods):
1. Texture editing for the enemies.

System Requirements (**NEW**)
Operating System: Windows XP or higher
RAM: 1GB or more
Processor: Any (just as long it is fast enough to play the game)
HDS: 50 MB or more
2 ears
1000 Brain cells
All of your Tacos

Download and eat TACOEZ!!!1!1!1one!11!!1

Currently none, but maybe some screenshots soon!
Currently none
I ate them all
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Pink Troll Taco Mod

Oh yea Hug, In case you didn't know, you can bind a key to take a screenshot with FRAPS. You may already know this, but I thought it was important since, I really don't know what I'm going to expect when I download this. Most likely Troll Faces, and Tacos. Still would be nice though. By the way, if I recorded this, would you post the video link?