Re: Song Name?

D-9999 wrote:There is Google that you can use for these kinds of things.
I've tried using google, It's simply not working, I've tried looking in the video for information and using song identification sights. :/

*Reply to motto* "Because unlike truth which when claimed by most religions and cults is related to ideas and things which are not real. I do not speak truth, but reality. Reality is everything pertaining to that which is real and actually affects us in the real world. An idea will never affect anything that is real until an action is committed which turns the idea or concept into reality. It's hard to keep ones mouth shut about it when your'e constantly around people who think that ideas are all that matters." (My Family) ~Myself
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: Song Name?

On topic: Did a few searches for it, got nothing. The search-audio-sample websites didn't do much. Also note it could just be music from the yet-unreleased game. I once searched for a nice song I heard on a TV commercial only to find out it was made specifically for it.

Off topic: I can't claim what I say about the outside physical world is 100% true since:
  • I'm subject to receive wrong input data a la Matrix, without me noticing it.
  • I'm subject to drawing wrong conclusions from input data, without me noticing it.
I can however say something is probably true based on what I know. I can explain what I think is true to other people, and if they agree, it is true to them too, otherwise they counter-argument me, ande I get new data, and if it is reasonable data I modify my reality, repeat, and so on, so on.

I can however say 1 + 2 = 3 is 100% true because we defined it so. In a sense, it's not part of the "real world".

PS: Your last post is a bit confusing. What truth, what lies. I though you were saying you can't say something is the absolute truth. And what do you mean by truth vs. reality? I'm using reality here as meaning "the world as you think it is", not the world proper. Oh well.
SCP-079, SCP-294 & other models / SCP:CB Inventory Mod
I confirm you can win SCP:CB on Keter using only a keycard.

Re: Song Name?

About the song: I heard it in another video on Youtube as well as for the game. It's not made specifically for it. IDK I just downloaded the video and ripped the audio. I'm pretty sure it's just royalty free music. It's just the sight for that stuff has over 80 pages full of songs and about nine different categories. I don't have time to search through all of that. Oh and Hakkla, That is one tripy profile pic.

Off-Topic: What I'm saying is that reality is not defined by truth(what we think or perceive) but rather truth is defined by reality(what we perceive and think should be based on what really exists and matters.)
A good example of this is what is "defined" as "righteousness" . Righteousness is tossed around, used and abused as a philosophical justification from everything from stealing to murder. So who "defines" right and wrong? Well, if you think about it, for whatever reason, when it comes to speaking about "righteousness" reality and rational thought logic are abandoned for some "spiritual higher form of righteousness." In other words "righteousness" isn't defined by logic. This is especially dangerous as this kind of thinking has led to murderous cults and religions like the Nazis, Islam extremists and other messed up things. If logic is used to define righteousness than a whole different picture is drawn. For example, My church believes that concept and principle is a justifiable reason to murder and that Principle and law are more important than life. Life is everything. Without life, nothing would exist. It's basically the whole "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" If no one is around (No life) than it's questionable whether the reality in which the tree is falling even exist at all as there is no one to perceive and see the reality. Death is a null value. Life is an infinite existence in which anything that can happen, will happen. So logically thinking. There is no reason what so ever to kill someone unless said person is a danger to others and no other methods of containment are possible without an unnecessary cost.

Truth is just a casualty of ideological warfare. Truth is used as a religious and philosophical scapegoat justification for belief or faith. Instead of searching for ideas we should search for answers. Before scientific pioneers and people like sir Isaac Newton, people believed that the wind was controlled by Gods. And that objects stopped moving because they "wanted" to. This was a superstition formed by the fact that because they were ignorant in the matter. There minds used imagination and superstition to explain the world and existence around them. Our minds have tendencies to create things that aren't really there. Especially when we don't know what is there. A child in a dark room becomes frightened at the monsters his mind creates because he doesn't know what is actually in the room. I'm no psychologist and not to sound smart or superior, but I bet it's part of the primitive Human psyche to form things that aren't really there, (Especially monsters and bad things) as part of a fear factor for self defense. This is a handicap that we as a race have to rise above. Part of this means letting go of meaningless ideas and learning to use logic to form natural conclusions. It also means exploration and digging into the unknown to know the unknown. Not searching our inner spirits for a "Higher Calling".
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: Song Name?

I was kind of expecting a darude-sandstorm post to appear in this thread, but instead there is this big philosophical debate about the difference between truth and reality.

............. I'm sorry, I must be at the wrong place, I'm going to go find the real internet.

Re: Song Name?

Awesomeguy147 wrote:I was kind of expecting a darude-sandstorm post to appear in this thread, but instead there is this big philosophical debate about the difference between truth and reality.

............. I'm sorry, I must be at the wrong place, I'm going to go find the real internet.
Don't worry, I can help.

The answer for that song is Darude Sandstorm.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Song Name?

hug0905 wrote:
Awesomeguy147 wrote:I was kind of expecting a darude-sandstorm post to appear in this thread, but instead there is this big philosophical debate about the difference between truth and reality.

............. I'm sorry, I must be at the wrong place, I'm going to go find the real internet.
Don't worry, I can help.

The answer for that song is Darude Sandstorm.

This man knows.