Re: Skype

lololord wrote:
Don't Mind if i do :3
Umm, i just sent a Skype request...

Re: Skype

lololord wrote:Ahuehuehue >:3
Can you accept my request from Skype?

Let's turn on Skype and chat...

Re: Skype

Explain me, but why are the bots or captcha bots or SCP 079 are forcing me to do it with my name?


Re: Skype

Dat troll firefox...
One day, on Steam..

Code: Select all

26 Fe + Mexican food =: lets see if you're oh so mister oh so smart
26 Fe + Mexican food =: who am i
ShadowDust: IronFajitas
26 Fe + Mexican food =: fuck
ShadowDust: *flies away*