Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Name: Matthew Lander

Sex: Yes please. (Male)

Race/Species: Human

Years working at the Foundation: 3

Age: 27

Department: Mobile Task Force

Appearance: White Caucasian, has dark brown hair, 6ft tall. Is usually only seen wearing his MTF uniform. Some people even suspect that he sleeps with his uniform on.

As with most MTFs, he's in top physical. However he just recently recovered from a broken femur and thus is very vulnerable to any physical blows dealt to his body.

Personality: He often keeps to himself and doesn't like to express his emotions, however he usually ends up expressing them through his tone of voice without knowing it. He can get ticked off very easily and isn't afraid to threaten someone with his P90, regardless of the matter.

While he doesn't like talking to other personnel he still enjoys the company of other people even when the room is completely silent. He always gets a feeling of dread whenever he's alone, not to the extent of a phobia but enough for him to actively seek areas of a facility full of people.

Despite being an MTF soldier he's still quite sensitive, which he often considers will be his downfall one of these days.

Extra Info: He considers himself a bit of a "tech-wiz" and is fairly decent with mechanical engineering.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Okay, after some discussing with Trex and Ltn, we've made a plot basis. Now I know what you're thinking, "this is supposed to be a free and casual RP, we shouldn't have a linear and oppressive basis like this," well, this is just a small plot to establish all of the characters. Once all characters are established, there will be no basis. Just improv. Go wild. Anyways, here's said basis:

The RP will start with Lucia and Nicole (and possibly Harris since he's a researcher, though he can be doing something else if CL pleases) beginning an SCP experiment. They need a Class-D, so they tell Wilson to fetch one. That Class-D will be another character of Maria, Flandre, just as a quick cameo. During the experiment, a breach scare will happen, which triggerss Lander and Gale to be called to the scene. After the situation is resolved, the two are ordered to patrol for a few hours to make sure nothing else happens.

After that, we're free to improv. If you guys have no qualms with this basis, it'll be used in the RP's introduction. Please speak up if you want any changes.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Well, since you asked for a HUMAN character, and since NON-HUMAN characters are no longer ALLOWED....
Name: Harris Backers
Years at Facility: 5
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Regular Human
Age: Ungiven; Said to be estimated from his mid to late 40s.

Apperance: Unlike most unusual workers at the SCP foundation, Harris appears to be in regular shape, however, he did admit that he had a facial deformation in his early years. He has blue-ish green eyes, one leg that currently works (he lost his other leg during a containment breach when he was attacked by SCP-096), a unattached earlobe, and a attached earlobe, and two arms that are in perfect condition for someone his age.

Biography and Personality: Harris was born in the Irish city of Galway, He stated that he immigrated to the United States when he was in his mid teenage years. In 2010, he assumed a job position at the SCP foundation. During a containment breach in 2012, he brutally lost one of his legs by SCP-096, as a result, he has to use a wheel chair to get around the facility, making him more vulnerable to attacks by any SCP object.

Extra Info: No additional info has been given by Harris, although it is notable to say that he is one of the fastest typers in the foundation; he can type about 5000 words per minute without getting any muscle cramps.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Name: Dr.Richard Blake

Years at Facility:4

Race/Species: Human

Age: 28

Appearance(optional): White Caucasian, 1,84M Tall , Slim , Brown Eyes, Messy hair, Grown Sideburns , No facial hair

Extra Info: - He's extremely optimistic, also always try to maintain a good mood, but can easily lose his patience.
- Richard really likes to cooperate, mostly on anything,
- He really likes to talk , Alot
- Born in New Orleans.
- Coffee, thats the drink he loves

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Is this serious, semi-casual (whatever the fuck that means to you - to me it's nonsense), or just for shit and giggles? The IC thread is already sporting meta-nudges and I'm seeing it spiralling down into a bunch of comical shenanigans at the Foundation/SCP Foundation Forum *nudge-nudge* *giggle-giggle*.

Don't get me wrong, you decide however you want it to be, but I personally won't be interested if I suspect my posts, which I would obviously invest time into (because I'm interested in a good story), were to be lost in a flurry of cheap in-jokes and one-liners.
SCP-079, SCP-294 & other models / SCP:CB Inventory Mod
I confirm you can win SCP:CB on Keter using only a keycard.