Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

What angers me the most is that this is an American law that affects every country. Who gave them the right to pass global laws without the consent of the people? And how come Americans are the only ones that can sign the bloody petition?!

If they try to pass a global law (which is bloody stupid, since they should have no say on laws from other countries), everyone should have a say on it.
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

Tomgrakk wrote:I'm sorry I joined the conversation late, but I believe one of Trialtrex's original points was that the US government sneaked this bill through the approval process without consulting the people. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this seem a tad illegal? This violates the very essence of the country being a frelling democracy, i.e. a nation in which the people's approval is required to pass laws and bills like these. My belief is that the US government is desperate to pass this bill and will resort to underhanded tactics to do so.

The bill itself is an example of what seems to be pointless paranoia and power-tripping. What, do they think terrorists are giving each other classified information over YouTube? I'm actually not worried at all about SOPA; it's so unpopular with literally everyone that it will never last long enough to become a problem. If they try to enforce it, they had better be ready for the chaos that will no doubt ensue.
Well since the U.S. government is composed of a bunch of whiny, desperate faggots, I wouldn't be surprised if they went as far as to do something illegal just to pass a law that they know damn well won't.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

Last time they tried, EU voted against SOPA too.
The entire european union was against it i think, not to mention google was against it too.
What fun is there in making sense?
Now, if you will excuse me i have some chaos to wreak.
Resident forum robot monkey, and chaos incarnate.

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

Tomgrakk wrote:I'm sorry I joined the conversation late, but I believe one of Trialtrex's original points was that the US government sneaked this bill through the approval process without consulting the people. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this seem a tad illegal? This violates the very essence of the country being a frelling democracy, i.e. a nation in which the people's approval is required to pass laws and bills like these. My belief is that the US government is desperate to pass this bill and will resort to underhanded tactics to do so.

The bill itself is an example of what seems to be pointless paranoia and power-tripping. What, do they think terrorists are giving each other classified information over YouTube? I'm actually not worried at all about SOPA; it's so unpopular with literally everyone that it will never last long enough to become a problem. If they try to enforce it, they had better be ready for the chaos that will no doubt ensue.
It also violates the Ex Post Facto law, which states no one can be punished for doing something before it was illegal. Say SOPA passes. In court, I could say "Yeah, sure, I uploaded videos portraying video games. It wasn't illegal then." If the judge and/or jury has any common sense, I'd get off without any consequence. But the way the government is now, they'd do anything to make sure SOPA stays in full effect. Offer the judge a promotion, bribe the jury, etc.
Sparks wrote:Last time they tried, EU voted against SOPA too.
The ntire european union was against it.
You don't say? It's not surprising, given that the entire world was against it.
Last edited by LukeDude759 on Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

LukeDude759 wrote:
hug0905 wrote:wait, did they also shut down megaupload, if they did then i will sign the petition.
Earlier, I wrote:They already shut down Megaupload last time.
And I hope you live in America, because
INFINITE561 wrote:I need to be AMERICAN to sign it!
i am not saying you did, but i think your clearly insulted me, i did know how megaupload got shutted down, but at the time, i didn't know what sopa is, i only knew that the fbi shutted it down, also i am american, want me to prove it?
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

hug0905 wrote:i am not saying you did, but i think your clearly insulted me, i did know how megaupload got shutted down, but at the time, i didn't know what sopa is, i only knew that the fbi shutted it down, also i am american, want me to prove it?\
Er, does it really matter? Yes, we understand you are American. Yes, Megaupload was shut down by the FBI. Yes, the FBI shut it down because of SOPA.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

Ketercheat wrote:It's fubar. We must declare independence and start our own country.
We shall call it Gamers Safehouse. (Or safe country?)

Good news everyone we got TheRadBrad's support on this matter, right here.
Mandatory blank signature, here.

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

WhiteAce wrote:
Ketercheat wrote:It's fubar. We must declare independence and start our own country.
We shall call it Gamers Safehouse. (Or safe country?)

Good news everyone we got TheRadBrad's support on this matter, right here.
And where shall we declare independence of that magnificent country?
One day, on Steam..

Code: Select all

26 Fe + Mexican food =: lets see if you're oh so mister oh so smart
26 Fe + Mexican food =: who am i
ShadowDust: IronFajitas
26 Fe + Mexican food =: fuck
ShadowDust: *flies away*

Re: SOPA is returning...God dammit...

WhiteAce wrote:
Ketercheat wrote:It's fubar. We must declare independence and start our own country.
We shall call it Gamers Safehouse. (Or safe country?)

Good news everyone we got TheRadBrad's support on this matter, right here.
We should go discover an island in the Pacific. We'll make that our new country.

Edit: We should probably also make our own internet. Internet 2.0, we will call it!
Last edited by LukeDude759 on Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP