Re: Downloaded Unity again, SCP-860-1 is the result.

Serimah wrote:Goodness me, now THAT is some serious talent! I'm amazed :D
A little bit darker (as previously mentioned) and it'll be spot on. I can't wait to walk through those woods.
(Finally some random woods without that underweight borderline-pedo stalking me)
What about the stalker wolf that hides in there?
Aspiefox: The Forum Phox (Phoenix Fox).
Aspergers Flavoured

Re: Downloaded Unity again, SCP-860-1 is the result.

AspieFox wrote:
Serimah wrote:Goodness me, now THAT is some serious talent! I'm amazed :D
A little bit darker (as previously mentioned) and it'll be spot on. I can't wait to walk through those woods.
(Finally some random woods without that underweight borderline-pedo stalking me)
What about the stalker wolf that hides in there?

As long as it doesn't involve that really tall dude that could potentially tentacle-rape me... I don't really care about the things inside these woods ;)
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Re: Downloaded Unity again, SCP-860-1 is the result.

DjSaturn wrote: I will do some research on how difficult it is to convert unity terrains to blitz, but frankly from what I know, it might just be easier to send the blitz code over to unity...
Convert to a mesh, then export. Import in fragMOTION, then export in .B3D. Problem solved!
(You may want to stop in Blender along the way to reset the origins and clear it up.)

Re: Downloaded Unity again, SCP-860-1 is the result.

First off, trying to not sound like a politician, thank you for the comments and suggestions, seriously.

Yeah i really want the trees to look like the one in the article, but the ones i'm using now won't bend very well.

Well it actually looks better live because the trees and fog move.
mrpeanut188 wrote:
DjSaturn wrote: I will do some research on how difficult it is to convert unity terrains to blitz, but frankly from what I know, it might just be easier to send the blitz code over to unity...
Convert to a mesh, then export. Import in fragMOTION, then export in .B3D. Problem solved!
(You may want to stop in Blender along the way to reset the origins and clear it up.)
Yeah, I was looking and someone may have made an addon to unity that helps with that process.
Rox wrote:That may sounds gay, and my wife will probably slap me, but:

Let me love you, rly. THIS IS PERFECT! The best model I've seen so far! Congratulations!
It's a little gay, but understandable.

As I said before I don't plan on making my own game however I might make a video excerpts from

Sorry if I don't respond sooner. Off to work.