S-Nav causes extreme lag

Using the S-Nav makes my game lag really hard... My framerate always drops to ~5 FPS while using the Navigator. It runs fine otherwise.
It used to lag during text pop-ups and while using the super night vision goggles, but that was fixed with 1.3.1.

OS: Win10 x64
Graphics card: AMD Radeon R9 390

Yes, my drivers are up to date.

Re: S-Nav causes extreme lag

TheJonttu wrote:
Vane Brain wrote:
TheJonttu wrote:Me too. S-Nav, pause menu and title screen sub menus causes extreme lag on my pc for some reason.
Title screen and sub menu lag ends, when I use "Fake fullscreen", but it doesn't fix S-nav lag.
Are you sure that you have 1.3.1?
Do you have antialiased text on or off?