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Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:46 am
by CommanderMark
Thread will probably fall out of date real quick so just check this spreadsheet for updates:

So the keycard system currently implemented into Containment Breach has been broken ever since v0.7 basically. When the new zone system was introduced, keycard spawns were, and continue to be, not balanced at all to factor in this system. So right now we still random placements of level 1/2 keycards spawns in the Entrance Zone and 0 spawns of levels 3 in Light Containment, effectively making getting out of the first zone impossible without 914 or 1162.

So, initially my idea was to simply redo every keycard spawn and 914's RNG for upgrading them, however Juan brought up an alternate suggestion involving a complete revamp of how keycards work in Containment Breach.

The idea we have is to scrap the linear 1-5 card system the game currently uses in favour of keycards tied to specific room variants. For example, there would be a set of keycards for accessing containment chambers, a set for researchers, a set for security (in-game case would be to get through checkpoints), and maybe another set for technicians. Each set would contain two types of tags; one for conditional access, another for unconditional (can access every room in the specified category).

This not only allows for a more realistic keycard system, but also better paces the game. Rather than a simple 1-5 system where any numbered card can access all lower levels, this provides a good balance between what can be accessed and what cannot. There's no end-all card and instead combinations of cards are needed to gain access to more cards which all collectively allow the player to escape the facility.

This also leads us to the Omni card. We've sort of been playing around the idea of getting rid of the Omni altogether and instead bringing back SCP-005 as an all-access key, albeit with heavily nerfed spawns. At the moment this is really only an idea as we don't have that any outstanding thoughts for its implementation.

Right now we're just brainstorming possible ideas for what systems would work best for Containment Breach. Once we get some feedback on this idea (hence the purpose of this thread) implementing it should be straight forward, then it mostly comes down to deciding where to place keycard spawns. However before any of that we still need to finalize the blueprints for the revamp first while checking whether the ideas are any good to begin with.

Even then we still haven't exactly decided on the number of keycard variants either or what exactly we're doing with the Omni, so suggestions are always welcome.

Re: Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:09 am
by Zackonark
I like this idea. I for one have never understood the Omni card as it technically is a glorified Level 5 with an achievement attached. So getting rid of it (as well as the other cards) in favor of this more realistic system Juan suggested is perfectly fine with me. (As if my approval is required).

My only question comes from the fact that there are so many different sets of them. Wouldn't it be more effective to just scrap the keycard all together in favor of ID badges?

Having specific ranks for specific fields with access to specific areas of the facility seems easier than issuing keycards with the same effect. I mean, it would be as simple as updating the facility's database with whomever just got promoted (or demoted), then their ID number would act as their access code for areas newly available to them rather than having to swap keycards all the time.

That said, in the actual game there could be a way of promoting the card the player has if they find their way into the correct office, thus giving the player a safe method of doing so than 914 (assuming it could still turn the card into a credit card), but it would be a little harder to get to.

Re: Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:39 pm
by Prune
I agree the key card system needs a revision, and your ideas seem interesting. The card designs should be disparate and recognisable, perhaps I.D badges for research personnel and technicians, access permits/cards for security and containment chambers. They should be balanced to enforce some backtracking but not an excessive amount, some SCPs and important rooms in Zone 1 should be unreachable until you obtain an access card from Zone 2 or 3. I wouldn't leave access cards lying around on shelves or desks either, instead they should be found on dead bodies so rooms with scripted scenes have more use, and you'd need to place many more bodies around the facility to find cards. Perhaps cards can have randomized conditions such as burnt, blood soaked, decayed by 106, and you'd need to use 914 or some new item to make them usable.

I also think refining cards with 914 could be revisited so you can't easily level your way to the top. Levelling up your card to unconditional access shouldn't be easy, and 914 should allow you to recycle any card into another set. Very Fine setting still needs some type of reward, and I would suggest a unique access card that automatically opens and closes specific access doors within proximity so you no longer have to dive into the inventory to get around. I'd add more junk items too like passports and drivers licenses to make the cycling process take a bit longer. 1162 should also be used to recycle cards but not level them up. Finally, removing the Omni card is the only good option really, that kind of power shouldn't be easily obtainable so if you're going to add SCP-005 make sure it's well damned hidden and requires some kind of puzzle to grab it. The random spawn system from Box of Horrors was also a good way to keep players looking, so I would be in favour of putting that system in place too.

Re: Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:19 pm
by CommanderMark
So rather than the Condition/Uncondition system I mentioned previously, we're going to try moving it to a per-room system.

Every card has clearance for a room and that room only. This pretty much allows for the most flexible system which, combined with revamped spawns for each keycard, could make traversing the map far less linear.

Running the card through 914 on 1:1 would give you another access card to another room, pertaining to the card's original type. Juan came up with the idea for splitting 914's refinement system into this:
895 Access Card --> 1:1 --> Another SCP's Access Card
--> Fine --> A card that could access multiple SCP's Chambers
--> Very Fine --> Chance to get an Omni card for any SCP Chamber.

Of course the end-all idea is to be able to beat the game without keycard refinement, it would still be a nice risk/reward scenario.

Our ideas for the Omni card seem to vary:
1. The downside to the above mentioned Omni card will be that it can create anomalous effects. The ideas we were thinking so far is that they could maybe inflict bleeding/injuries on use, not function at all and only inflict harm, or leave the door in a permanently opened state, unable to be closed.

2.The Omni card's power itself would depend on what you refine to get it. A card with barebones access refined to Omni would most likely barely function and kill the player quickly, while a card that possessed up to maybe, 5 different room accesses would probably function with little consequences.

3. The card will randomize what it can access each use.

Anyway in order to better lay out our ideas we created a spreadsheet on Docs. Anyone's able to leave comment on each cell so it's a lot better to post there with more specific-suggestions.


Re: Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:45 pm
by Brunou8
I actually prefer Zackonark's idea.

Re: Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:15 pm
by nightscout01
I think the idea of the doors being stuck in a permanently opened state after using the omnicard is a pretty good one.

Re: Revamping the Keycard System

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:03 am
by Josesk Volpe
Hey, you should write it on here ;)