Re: The New Suggestions Thread

What kind of SCP are the stairs? It entrapped me and it not let me go ... its a joke :P

It would be fun to include the SCP-113 if I could do mirrors in some rooms. So our exchange sex character after passing for symptoms

Would be interesting to calibrate a display screen gamma before starting the game for the first time since it depends the any monitors is look very dark
I now use the "True" gamma because if not, in my pc would not know where going.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

What about a no-HUD mode? One for both Keter and Normal. You would have to use your judgement on how much sprint and time you have before blinking. It would make the game more realistic but make playing more difficult.
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Well, I like the game, I play only on Keter level. Haven't beaten it since now, but I'm trying.
I have one suggestion, since I start from the beggining every time I die, couldn't and shouldn't the no-intro game start after the doctor and guard escape the office room? I cought the doc enough times to see him dissapearing im my sight.
Playing 1.0.6.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

I have an suggestion for SCP:CB.
Why not make the MTF's react to other SCP's beside SCP-173(Like SCP-106 and SCP-096)
There are already sound files in the SFX folder on what the MTF would say when encountering 106 or 096.
Playing SCP : Containment Breach since v0.6.5.

My favorite SCP's: Pretty much all of them
