[Suggestion] Other Physical Mechanics

So, I came up with the idea if we can somehow implement other mechanics.

Jumping and Crawling. For example: The player jumps on the box/crate and reaches the vent by crawling to find any other way leading through somewhere (and also if the player crawls through vent, he could hear two scientists or guards talking in any spot).

Leaning. Use them when you hear an MTF or SCP. Lean, see what is it doing.

Sliding. You run, and quickly press Ctrl, then slide. A good use for hiding from hostiles, while you slide from spot to spot.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Re: [Suggestion] Other Physical Mechanics

I like some of these ideas, Q and E could be binded for some Amnesia-style leaning mechanics, which would be nice for avoiding the MTF.

Not sure about jumping and sliding, they wouldn't be too useful. Crawling could be achieved by holding ctrl for a second, and you could fit into areas like under desks in the offices.
It slep time bunner.