More Roaming SCP's

I have no idea if anyone posted this, and I really don't care.

So, as you may notice, there are close to no roaming enemies, the only enemies that you may see roaming are:

096 doesn't count since he is originally in certain spots.

The effect on the game? In SCP: Containment breach, it seems that we lost the main fear to it, we know where each SCP will be and its effect, we know where and where not to go. This in all ruins the main aspect of the game, which is a breach of several monsters in a huge facility. It makes the game less scary and ruins the Dread and the Fear that it once had.


How can we change this? We need more roaming SCP's, I honestly think 096 should become one, but have some sort of crying sound that warns you to put your head down and run by. But thats not all, we need SCP's that are randomly scattered. No, not put in certain rooms and areas, I mean SCATTERED. It gives a better sense of dread and fear when you have no idea what you might be facing behind every door... It would bring back and increase the amount of fear for the game.


I hope I get some good feedback. :D

Re: More Roaming SCP's

As another sentient SCP that could behave and appear like 173 or 106, I think SCP-457 would make a nice candidate.

Imagine walking into a large tunnel, as a huge typhoon of flames erupts from a vent, and 457 begins chase. He could have a pretty basic model with a bright, ember-like texture, and give off a fire effect similar to that of the smoke found in the game. Walking through gas will only make him brighter and faster, and tesla gates will have a similar effect. The only way to weaken him would be several cooling chambers designed to slow him in a breach. If he gets weakened enough, he'll shrivel up with a screech and a spark.
It slep time bunner.

Re: More Roaming SCP's

457 sounds like an excellent and terrifying addition, but I have one concern. How abundant would these cooling chambers be? Assuming it chases the player until it is hurt, it seems to me that the map seed itself could turn 457 into a slower 096 if the player can't find any of them.

I would like to suggest SCP-280. Gameplay wise it would probably be very similar to SCP-106, however. It would slowly stalk the player until it touches them, but unlike 106, its attack is fatal. Maybe to differentiate it from 106 it could have random spawns instead of semi-scripted spawns; 106 has a chance to pop up in specific hallways and begin chasing you, but 280's appearances will be completely random. In addition, running far away enough will get it to lose interest and go somewhere else, like 106, or maybe there could be a flashlight the player can pick up and use against it.


Re: More Roaming SCP's

SCP-939 was suggested a while back, it is a group of pack predators that can mimic human speech, they are endothermic, so cold environments will slow them down.

If a Cryo storage bay is added, SCP-939-101 could be there for viewing.

And 096, he should explore the facility some more if you forget to close the door.
I'm not here as much right now, mention me on our Discord server if you need anything.

Re: More Roaming SCP's

Yes, SCP-457 sounds like an absolutely wonderful idea for a new free roaming NPC. It's very dangerous and can be very scary. I think that SCP-457 will really get some really good scares.

I had suggested a scenario in which SCP-457 could be in. Instead of SCP-106 being in the maintenance tunnels, it could be SCP-457. The game would switch between the two SCPs. When the player leaves the elevator, he would hear the sound of flames and a vent would be heard bursting open. SCP-457 would then start chasing the player.

That could be one of the scripted events involving SCP-457. And as a free roaming I think it would be just like 106, except that it would be a bit faster and couldn't walk through walls.
Heheh, you said a bad word.

All of you guys really are special. Did you guys know that? Yes you guys are! Each in your own special way.

Re: More Roaming SCP's

Euclid would have scripted events, and Keter would have some different enemies roaming, for example 096 would roam, and there would be no event. This would work because you have to select the difficulty BEFORE the map is generated, so having the room left out of the map wouldn't be a problem.

Or you can make the room without the event, have the corpse, and have 096 spawn there.

Re: More Roaming SCP's

This is way more like it. I'm glad someone noticed finally that there are barely any moving SCPs. I just really hope 682 gets added in soon. It's really taking too long.

Oh and P.S., good post. :P
Anyone from the Invader Zim Shipping Fanon Wiki is a cocksucking cunt. I'm looking at you Mas...

Re: More Roaming SCP's

I think 682 is one of the most wanted scp's to be put in this game.. And i was thinking of the idea that you would walk for the already existing rooms until you reach a long misty dark corridor (a really long one), and you must quickly choose a path in this huge corridor until you find another door which then your back in the smaller rooms, 682 may attack at any point so the big corridors are like a NO MANS LAND.. i know it will be hard to create the destruction of 682 in front of your eyes, but how about the destruction and chaos is already done and your roaming through the rubble of the facility, also if you take this idea to consideration i will be more than happy to try and help with textures and obviously the making of the rooms?
oh and use already existing rooms and edit them so that sometimes the room will be covered in rubble and there are big holes in walls so that been in the room your venerable to 682, yeah a lot to ask for i know..