Re: MODELING REQUESTS: SCP-860-1 (The Forest)

Enma Ai wrote: Although I still prefer the drawing that Moonsaber made for the monster, the second one looks really interesting! I'd like to see where you'd be going with it. It's not like the monster necessarily has one shape, anyway; maybe different playthroughs could show the monster with different forms (if the same skeleton can be used for the different models, I assume this wouldn't be too problematic)
That idea could work. The monster could have a general shape that changes each time. In one it could have six eyes, other three arms, maybe sometimes a tail, two heads, etc...

This would actually be really good, since it will incite the players imagination in creating the monster. Each time they go inside, they will be expecting something different and that is when paranoia and fear will kick in. The problem with monsters in games is that they are eventually seen a lot, which reduces the amount of fear it entices. BUT if this monster kept changing to something new each time, it will keep the effect. (Until people see every model made, but I guess people could just make more models each time and add them to the game)
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-

Re: MODELING REQUESTS: SCP-860-1 (The Forest)

So it just occurred to that I haven't shown my newest version of the monster on this thread. So here it is.

A while ago I got a message from Miro saying he had been talking with Enma. He told me about the whole shapeshifting nature monster thing, and how he was going back to my VERY early concepts of the monster a mantacore type creature. He asked me for some modeling sheets and I did those. Then I got bored and started doodleing which kinda got out of hand and that doodle turned into the nice painting above. Miro loved it he told me to keep it a secret and he began work on that version. When I finished the painting I kinda...storta... forgot to show Enma. I later assumed Miro showed it to Enma. Even later Miro gave me the greenlight to release that painting along with other SCP concept art. I kinda forgot to post that painting on this thread. So yeah as far as I know this is the version Miro has been working on.
Email me at [email protected] if you need art done.

Re: MODELING REQUESTS: SCP-860-1 (The Forest)

Thank you for the complements. Also somthing just occurred to me the monster needs sounds,a voice, and things to say. What would/should the monster say(backwards of course). Is it an unfeeling cold hearted killer, a guardian who just wants to eleminate a trespasser or a playfull psycopath who wants to have a bit of fun terrorizing its food? Then who could voice the monster maybe we could get Volgun to do some lines? Also people WILL reverse the audio so it does matter what the monster says.
Email me at [email protected] if you need art done.

Re: MODELING REQUESTS: SCP-860-1 (The Forest)

Moonsaber wrote:Thank you for the complements. Also somthing just occurred to me the monster needs sounds,a voice, and things to say. What would/should the monster say(backwards of course). Is it an unfeeling cold hearted killer, a guardian who just wants to eleminate a trespasser or a playfull psycopath who wants to have a bit of fun terrorizing its food? Then who could voice the monster maybe we could get Volgun to do some lines? Also people WILL reverse the audio so it does matter what the monster says.
Here's some ideas!

Well obviously he should say what he originally said! If I shall go on the terms of crazy psychopath how 'bout:
"So much fun"
"Are you enjoying this?"

In terms of eliminating a trespasser:
"You will not survive"
"I can't let you live"