Enhance Gameplay? A Reason to engage SCPs? I've got an Idea.

Hi at all!
I recently played Version 0.6.1 and reached the ending. At first I was a little disappointed to reach it, but then I saw the checklist at the end and all the Achievements you could unlock. But I didn't knew about that until I finished the game. So this got me thinking.

There is a way to let the player enjoy engaging SCPs even more than it is right now. Just bear with me for a moment.
In my opinion the sheets about the different SCPs are a nice idea, but I never really read through them entirely so far and after my inventory got a little stuffed I began top simply drop'em on the floor for more space.

What if you had the possibility to capture Data of the SCPs by yourself and ensure the encounter with an SCP after the game is finished. I mean the only reason so far I engaged the OAK COFFIN was because I read, that you'd get trauma visions in a like 5 meter radius and in the end... well it was kind of unnecessary.. There was just one screen I could look at to see the disturbing influence and standing next to the coffin did nothing, but make some creepy sounds. If I had an SCP-DEX of some sort, that would allow me to Secure the Data by pointing at the SCP, which Data I want to secure, there would be a reason to even engage the SCP-096. Don't get me wrong here, it shouldn't be some kind of camera. We know what the 096 would do if you capture a photo of its face... And if you'd look at the display of your SCP-DEX while in the range of the OAK COFFIN then you'd also get the disturbing trauma visions on your device of course. All those SCPs and their abilitys, their behaviour, their classes have to be explored! And a device for that purpose would simply enhance the gameplay that is actually there already!

And I know our curiosity will always get the better of us at this point.

A way to categorize the sheets would also be a good way to tidy up one's inventory. :P

Gotta catch'em all guys. Gotta... catch... 'em all...

What do you think? ;)
Let's Sing a Song! SCP Containment Breach Song! The End is Nigh! (REMASTERED)
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Re: Enhance Gameplay? A Reason to engage SCPs? I've got an I

Currently right now the Player is a Class-D personnel, not a Guard or a scientist or a Mobile Task Force member. The primary goal of the game is to actually manage to get out of the facility alive, due to all the escaped SCP's (At least a dozen or more at that) the player may be forced to read documents/information to understand that SCP's nature and how to possibly deal with them, I don't think a DEX is necessary.. perhaps laptops or something with information on various SCP's you can access?

Re: Enhance Gameplay? A Reason to engage SCPs? I've got an I

I can see what you are saying, but it's straying off the path of what the game is really about. The game is based on survival and avoiding the SCPs as much as you can. Therefore, it's not much of a survival horror if the player has to gather intelligence about the escaped SCPs. But one thing I do agree on is that there needs to be a better way to find out about the SCPs. Finding lots of papers does tend to clog up your inventory. Maybe you can find data sticks lying around that you use on computers, and then you get information that way. Then you know that data sticks only contain information about SCPs, and documents contain other information.
ey b0ss, can I habe de pussi plz?

Re: Enhance Gameplay? A Reason to engage SCPs? I've got an I

If the Goal is simply to escape.. Why the achievements in the end?
Just because of those I am now trying to encounter every SCP I can. And that includes to get caught in the pocket dimension of 106.
I'd say everyone is curious about the SCPs and wants to encounter them xD
I never meant the game to be completely about gathering information. Its more about the achievements in the end.
Let's Sing a Song! SCP Containment Breach Song! The End is Nigh! (REMASTERED)
Let's Sing a Song! Lyrahel - Certain Enemy!
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Re: Enhance Gameplay? A Reason to engage SCPs? I've got an I

Lyrahel wrote:If the Goal is simply to escape.. Why the achievements in the end?
It's a little checklist really to see what the player has done by the end of the game.
Lyrahel wrote:Just because of those I am now trying to encounter every SCP I can.
Ummm, there are only Shyguy, 106, 173, and that's really it for now.
Lyrahel wrote:I'd say everyone is curious about the SCPs and wants to encounter them xD
Nope, I'm here.
Lyrahel wrote:I never meant the game to be completely about gathering information.
Mmmm... I think it'd be good where you have to complete a puzzle with a "new" SCP, and get a better ending.
More like, one that is rarer, and most people don't know about until the game.