Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

Juicy wrote:
Serimah wrote:The idea of playing SCP Containment Breach in co-op sounds just very odd. How would the AI for 173, 106 etc. even work?
I mean, they would have to focus on one target right...? Or maybe 049 could go after multiple targets, him having zombie-bitches and all...?

Just really odd for me...
They could focus on the nearest target
That would be very strange, but is miht just work. Though, I think 096 would like strange runningover one player and going for the next.

By the way, cool avatar. Gorrilaz are awesome.

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

hey so we (yes we its me and my friend) we are trying to create our own comedic version of SCP containment breach like and example is putting an obama rape face on a door to SCP-106's room (its funnier when you play it) anyway we are having trouble figuring out how to change the music to a different song, for example we would like to change the pocket dimension music to LMFAO's im sexy and i know it, if one of the creators of the original project could help us it would be extremely appreciated. we are not going to post this online and take credit for it we just want to have a little fun. thankyou

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

yzend wrote:hey so we (yes we its me and my friend) we are trying to create our own comedic version of SCP containment breach like and example is putting an obama rape face on a door to SCP-106's room (its funnier when you play it) anyway we are having trouble figuring out how to change the music to a different song, for example we would like to change the pocket dimension music to LMFAO's im sexy and i know it, if one of the creators of the original project could help us it would be extremely appreciated. we are not going to post this online and take credit for it we just want to have a little fun. thankyou
I suggest you go to the Mod Compilation Thread and post your game as told. Once you do and it is passed by Commander, Make a thread on it and you can ask your questions on there, people will most likely answer your question there. However, someone (Probably Glitch or some other guy) might answer here.

Anyways, what are you going to name it?

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

I have a playthrough of SCP: CB (It's in my signature if you want to check it out). Can I monetize the videos, or do I have to ask Regalis for permission in a PM or email?

Edit: This doesn't seem to be getting any attention. I'll just post it in off topic.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

Regalis wrote: How about some guns! - Nope. Simple as that.
S'cuse me, but would anyone mind linking me to the thread where this rule originated? I can't seem to find it.

I'm just curious as to the reason why the "No guns" restriction for suggestions is in place? I mean, I've seen various responses about "not turning the game into COD", and "guns give you a sense of security", and all that, and I can understand these points, but I am just wondering if there are any other reasons I could know about?
The reason I'm asking, is that, I have several ideas of SCP-objects and how to implement them in SCP:CB, as I am a great fan of it. One of these SCP-objects is SCP-127, also known as "The Living Gun", which, you would already see, complications arise.
[SCP-076] "Able"
[SCP-127] "The Living Gun"
[SCP-212] "The Improver"
[SCP-303] "The Doorman"
[SCP-1162] "A Hole in the Wall"

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

ZarHakkar wrote:
Regalis wrote: How about some guns! - Nope. Simple as that.
S'cuse me, but would anyone mind linking me to the thread where this rule originated? I can't seem to find it.

I'm just curious as to the reason why the "No guns" restriction for suggestions is in place? I mean, I've seen various responses about "not turning the game into COD", and "guns give you a sense of security", and all that, and I can understand these points, but I am just wondering if there are any other reasons I could know about?
The reason I'm asking, is that, I have several ideas of SCP-objects and how to implement them in SCP:CB, as I am a great fan of it. One of these SCP-objects is SCP-127, also known as "The Living Gun", which, you would already see, complications arise.
Simply because Nope and Regalis said nope. It just breaks the terror from the game, making you able to destroy what scary things in the game.

Speaking of this rule, there is also a rule on no gun threads. Does this include threads on models for the NPCs' guns? I find that I might make a new model some time in the future. With Blitz3D. Jah, forgive me for my previous comment, eh?