Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

Ltn Vasquez wrote:
Steelpoint wrote:Here is the "Official Stance on Firearms ingame" thread I started a long time ago. I eventually locked it since the discussions were going in circles.
I read it entirely, and as such, I believe I will have to either keep my firearm models to myself or post in the mods section, which I believe is alright. Mind you, I only want to make one for the NPC's, no the player.
I am pretty sure that models for NPC guns are ok, you just can't suggest for the player to be able to use guns.

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

kapamikey222 wrote:add scp 099 to the game make it damage the player if to close while examining it.Also make it like the cowbell and you will see it but you not kill you over time.If you look at it for about 30 sec up close you may kill yourself like the scp-012 death.
... There is everything wrong with this, but let me be nice.

Please do not double post, you can find that rule in the forum rules thread.

The FAQ is not the place to post your suggestions, try the other threads.

Welcome, as well, but please go searching around before you start doing stuff that is not correct here.

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

D-9999 wrote:
Maikcollos wrote:Where is the SCP-087-B Version 2?
Every download link is banned By Admins.
(It's this one with a text in the intro)
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I'm sorry but, what are you talking about? There is no SCP-087-B Version 2. Only SCP-087-B 0.1 - 0.3, 0.3 being the final version.
Actually, there was a v0.1, the one you are downloading right now is v0.2, don't believe me? ask regalis.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: FAQ, a list of frequently asked questions

I keep getting my ass kicked by SCP-173 because it keep teleporting inside SCP-914's chamber and I got nowhere to go....:(
Ltn Vasquez wrote:
ZarHakkar wrote:
Regalis wrote: How about some guns! - Nope. Simple as that.
S'cuse me, but would anyone mind linking me to the thread where this rule originated? I can't seem to find it.

I'm just curious as to the reason why the "No guns" restriction for suggestions is in place? I mean, I've seen various responses about "not turning the game into COD", and "guns give you a sense of security", and all that, and I can understand these points, but I am just wondering if there are any other reasons I could know about?
The reason I'm asking, is that, I have several ideas of SCP-objects and how to implement them in SCP:CB, as I am a great fan of it. One of these SCP-objects is SCP-127, also known as "The Living Gun", which, you would already see, complications arise.
Simply because Nope and Regalis said nope. It just breaks the terror from the game, making you able to destroy what scary things in the game.

Speaking of this rule, there is also a rule on no gun threads. Does this include threads on models for the NPCs' guns? I find that I might make a new model some time in the future. With Blitz3D. Jah, forgive me for my previous comment, eh?
If guns were in play in the game,it would be like COD already.
I'm done,I'm really done here for now.Screw this bullshit that I'm getting from other people.I can't tolerate this anymore,and I'll fuck off from now.