Re: 0.9 IS HERE!!

That Same Anon wrote:It's a telekill alloy, it basically blocks cognitohazards or weakens them. Hence why it's around 035, otherwise it would make everyone insane.

Also, i found the 106 event. Jimmies were rustled. :106:
SCP-106 drags a janitor that runs towards the player into the ground. Area: Endroom. Oh yeah, and he comes back up to chase you afterwards.
You can prevent SCP-106 to chase you if he doesn't see you. If you look at his head closely, he'll turn it after us to show us that he spotted another "victim". You can manage to see the event by going back in the room you was at the same time that the Janitor is pulled in the pocket dimension.

Re: 0.9 IS HERE!!

Played it first time.
.7 had to little for scale of new map design and kinda flopped.
.8 fixed all my issues with .7
.9 is just mindblowing. This really is the best horror game on the net!