Re: About SCP 087, 093, 058, 096 in CB


Another thread like this? I thought we were past this.

087 - Why would we need it? There are already games on it, and adding it to CB would just be a waste of space and time. You need to consider the limit on resources. It's located on a college campus, not the facility, and the realistic chance of someone getting teleported to it from the facility to the stairwell is very, very slim.

093 - Not much to say on this one. While it may be one of the best SCPs out there, it has far too many properties to be added to the game. Some of these properties most likely cannot be implemented into Blitz anyway. We would need a lot of extra maps, and people already have problems running the game. Resources once again need to be considered.

058 - Why exactly? What role would he play other than another chase SCP? Unless you think of some new feature for him that would enhance the gameplay, he serves no further purpose. While having more SCPs is important, each one should atleast have a new feature so it will be interesting.

076 - Same as above. It serves no purpose other than being another chase SCP. While he's not a terrible idea, it's still questionable. The implementation of the coffin could be interesting, but the result would still be a chase.

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Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away