Re: CWM Files real purpose!

Glitch wrote:Honestly, I don't really want to see 990, he's fine in the loading screen, but having him as an in-game cinematic...It implies there is something special about D-9341. I find it hard to explain, if the character you play was someone with some great destiny with world changing consequences or something, 990 would work well, but instead you just play as an ordinary Class-D who got lucky during an ordinary Containment breach, D-9341 has no greater destiny and having 990 in there would just be plain cheesey.
I don't think it would be that cheesy. He doesn't even have to have some great destiny, probably a tiny part to play in whatever causes that explosion. It would also look totally awesome.
Atheros drivers SUCK!

Re: CWM Files real purpose!

I have been testing something out of morbid curiosity.

But useing the Seed: Blinkaway seems to have him pop with the cwm files and the random unreadable Wonk Code below the top Unreadable is ledgible (mostly) saying "you Cant Controll it!" each time i used that seed he popped up with that line text. 5/5 times now.

Re: CWM Files real purpose!

Glitch wrote:Honestly, I don't really want to see 990, he's fine in the loading screen, but having him as an in-game cinematic...It implies there is something special about D-9341. I find it hard to explain, if the character you play was someone with some great destiny with world changing consequences or something, 990 would work well, but instead you just play as an ordinary Class-D who got lucky during an ordinary Containment breach, D-9341 has no greater destiny and having 990 in there would just be plain cheesey.
May I remind you of Ashe from the Army Of Dead 1 and 2, from bumbling clumsy derpstick 0 to the greatest hero ever, who by far is still a Bumbiling cumbersome oaf, With a chainsaw for a hand.

The Best heroes are by far the ones who start from nothing.

many appoligize if this was over off topic, I only Mean to raise a point.

Re: CWM Files real purpose!

Glitch wrote:^ True, but really, in ever single ending but one
you die
There is nothing special about him.

That makes it better, so much Better my friend, a dead hero is the best ending, especially when the death is the most glorrius unglorrified death ever... er sorry, perhaps I just like my zero hero's Dead, or worse.

anyways, I do feel I am straying a bit Off side here, but supphice to say, It's Intresting to me, when the hero just makes it to the end, and doesn't get any further. I will However Bring that up in the Off Topics area, if this convo is wished to be furthered.