A few questions

Ok, I'm relatively new to the game, so I have a few questions:

1. My game often randomly crashes from some "memory volition" error or something like that. Why is this happening?
2. Are your saves supposed to disappear after quitting the game? I save my game, but they're never permanent.
3. What are those key pads you see around the Heavy Containment zone about? Is there any point to them, or are they just there for aesthetics?
4. In the room where you first encounter SCP-096, is there any real point to that room? Even if I flip the switches and get out alive, the other door still doesn't open, even when I press the button.
5. Is escaping the pocket dimension luck-based? I've never managed to do it before. I know you can learn the code to the office from putting the radio through SCP-914 on Very Fine, but I'm still curious.

I think that's all I've got for now. Any answers I can get will be greatly appreciated. :)

Re: A few questions

1. That's pretty common, try running the game in administrator.

2. No, might be a bug.

3. Those keypads near the maintenance tunnels?, they're just there to force you down into the tunnels if you want through, if you install the box of horrors mod the SCP-005 item will open them.

4. You mean you can't get out of the room?, as being trapped?, might be a bug of some kind.

5. In my experience yes, you got to be lucky to get out, you're in huge trouble if you come to the four corridor hallway.

Hope this helps. :)

Re: A few questions

1. How do I run it in administrator?
2. Crap, I was afraid of that. I redownloaded the game, but it still happens. X(
3. Ahh, I see. I'm not very good with mods, but maybe I'll try it someday. Is there anything beyond those doors?
4. I can get out of the room, but the closed door opposite the door you come in through still won't open, even if I hit the button. Is it even supposed to open, and if not, what's the point of that room other than introducing 096?
5. Funny thing about that, I escaped the pocket dimension for the first time today, and I had even gone through the four corridor hallway you mentioned. :D The only thing was the reason I got captured was because I had just thrown the switch to let SCP-035 out of his cell, and the door wouldn't open while he was talking, so 106 captured me because 035 wouldn't shut up. X)

Also, I ran into another issue after I redownloaded it. I somehow managed to find two entrances to the Heavy Containment Zone, and one of them required a passcode. Is there an actual code for it, or is it just meant to troll you?

Re: A few questions

I could really use answers to these questions, please. I finally made it to the Entrance Zone and the memory violation thing got me again. What's more, I don't know why my saves aren't permanent. Anytime that memory thing happens, all of my progress is erased.

Re: A few questions

Piklink wrote:1. How do I run it in administrator?
Assuming you have knowledge about Opreating System Functionalies
Right click on the Game's executable and click "Run as Admin" and click yes if there is a UAC warning.
You must have Windows Vista or later to do this.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: A few questions

I've successfully managed to solve almost all my problems!

1. I'm an idiot and didn't know I had to extract the files. Now that I've done that, my saves aren't being deleted anymore.
2. Some of the keypad doors open once the Nine-Tailed Fox enter the facility. Since this is the first time I've actually spent an extended amount of time in the Entrance Zone, I never realized this until I went back for something.
3. Again, I'm an idiot and didn't realize there was a door on the other end of the room where you find SCP-096. I thought it was supposed to open the door outside the one you enter though, the one with a button that does nothing.

Th only real issue I have left for now is that some of the liquids I type into SCP-294 won't dispense or work right. I don't know if it was a problem with my file or if I have to tweak something.