Subsurface 0.2 is out!

Go. Go play. Now.

Changelog from Undertow Games' website:
  • Multiplayer:
  • major optimization and much better lag compensation
  • tons of bugfixes that should fix most of the syncing issues
  • admins can play on their own server without launching another instance of the game
  • setting the job preferences actually does something now
  • reconnecting to a server if the connection is temporarily lost works much better now
  • proper error messages if UPnP port forwarding fails

  • security guard gear: ballistic vest, helmet & stun baton
  • wifi components that can be used for transmitting signals between devices
  • wall labels with a configurable text
  • a bunch of new sprites and sounds
  • wearing a diving suit slows the characters down
  • supercapacitors
  • attempting to fire the railgun when there are no shells loaded doesn't consume power anymore

  • improved version of Aegir
  • a new submarine, "Vellamo"
  • nuclear reactors overheat much more slowly and there are warning signals for overheating and a remote shutdown button in both of the default subs
  • ambient sounds change according to the speed of the sub
  • fixed parts of the submarine getting stuck in the level on collision
  • the autopilot is a much better driver now (although it may still crash at very tight spots)

  • aiming underwater is much easier
  • improved humanoid animations
  • stunned/dead characters can be dragged
  • all characters can now use plasma cutters and welders regardless of their skills, but insufficient skill level will make them flicker and work much less efficiently
  • same for the harpoon gun, anyone can shoot but lower levels will make the gun less accurate
  • rewiring devices may cause electric shocks if the electrical engineering level is too low

  • some random "prop fish" swimming in the background
  • a new hostile creature

  • a tutorial going through all the basic tasks and game mechanics (more in-depth tutorials will be added in future versions, including one for making custom subs)
  • an auto-updater in the launcher
  • the game generates a detailed report if it crashes
  • physics optimization (i.e. using simplified physics & animation for off-screen characters and disabling them entirely if they're far enough)
  • lighting optimization (caching the lights/shadows if a light source hasn't moved instead of recalculating them every frame)
  • two new background music tracks
  • better looking explosions
  • better looking water particle effects
  • minor UI improvements
  • better UI scaling on different resolutions
  • health/oxygen bar improvements and status icons for bleeding and water pressure
  • gap-hull connections are visible in the sub editor
  • pumps don't have to be manually connected to a hull in the editor anymore, they automatically empty/fill the hull they're inside

Re: Subsurface 0.2 is out!

The tutorial doesn't save any "checkpoints", so when I die I have to begin from the start. I've had to do this several times and all I want to do the tutorial for is learn everything because there doesn't seem to be an adequate YouTube video or Wiki page. That should definitely be added! I can't even save the tutorial... that would be a start. (:

Re: Subsurface 0.2 is out!

groovybluedog wrote:The tutorial doesn't save any "checkpoints", so when I die I have to begin from the start. I've had to do this several times and all I want to do the tutorial for is learn everything because there doesn't seem to be an adequate YouTube video or Wiki page. That should definitely be added! I can't even save the tutorial... that would be a start. (:
You shouldn't need checkpoints. The only way you can die is if you drown purposely, or blow up some C4. Even when the Moloch comes, it's easy to read the damn text and go to the bottom left of the ship to get the Scuba Gear, or to go to the Top Right to get the Railgun and to blow the shit out of that Moloch.

And sorry about the wiki page. It's sort of in the shitter at the moment.