Easter Eggs I think would fit in well.

- Spider/Steel Incident: I don't know if this is an intentional nod or not but I think this is a nice one irregardless. (Considering that Regalis and I are the only Admins currently).
- Name Tag on MTF: This one makes sense to me, it is not uncommon for soldiers (At least in video games) to have nicknames.
- Outright nod: Not unheard off for some games to have a small, hard to get too room that has text thanking their community and/or listing names of contributive people. Maybe a room in 106's pocket dimension.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.


Reading several documents, from and referring to, several people (some whose name would point out to noticeable forum members) would really give the impression the facility was an active working place, in which actual people worked in, before the containment. Obviously, these can't be goofy easter eggs; they would play an important part in enhancing the atmosphere of the game, while at the same time acknowledging several individuals who contributed to the community and the game.

I've concocted some examples here:

I disagree on having references to something else other than the community or SCP:CB. The David note on the electrical room is fine though; and there is a connection there with SCP:CB.

EDIT: Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Last edited by Hakkla on Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:01 pm, edited 7 times in total.
SCP-079, SCP-294 & other models / SCP:CB Inventory Mod
I confirm you can win SCP:CB on Keter using only a keycard.


Hakkla wrote:Reading several documents, from and referring to, several people (some whose name would point out to noticeable forum members) would really give the impression the facility was an active working place, in which actual people worked in, before the containment. Obviously, these can't be goofy easter eggs; they would play an important part in enhancing the atmosphere of the game, while at the same time acknowledging several individuals who contributed to the community and the game.

I've concocted some examples here:
Nice, I don't really like the idea of having entire rooms for a silly easter egg, just something to help move the plot along, preferably in notes, computer screens, or audio recordings. The Duke one could work for both Dukes, DukeLovesYou and ItsDuke. While those are just examples, I think they both could work well, although there are a few spelling errors and such, as is Mirocaine isn't with a Micro. I had originally believed it was too.

But yes, I think some personnel mentioned in such notes would be a great way to include contributors to the game and the forum.
It slep time bunner.


I wish 914 was real, it's one of my absolute favorites.
Mostly because of it's chaotic nature, never knowing the test result from the input items.
What fun is there in making sense?
Now, if you will excuse me i have some chaos to wreak.
Resident forum robot monkey, and chaos incarnate.


It would be great if there was a slight easter egg of a videocamera on the table or desk or something, and maybe a note made by a faculty member who wanted to finish filming their little piece. The note is interrupted and cuts off, maybe cause the containment breach?
Anyways, It would be a funny reference to me and the trailer :D
Last edited by Lotims on Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Creator of SCP: Containment Breach Trailers, Creator of Containment Breach: Run.