Re: SCP: Eric Breach 0.1.3 (That Spam Sandwich) - a 1.04 nan

MonocleBios wrote:Portion of my old code, commented to make things clearer. You should know where everything goes.
Thank's alot, you are giving me advice help and saving quite much time. Thanks one more time.

Ok i get it working (Thanks BTW) but i have a question can i imclude it with my mod (of course i will give credits)?
Hello there is a mod where you can participate Better SCP-914. with your help 914 will be properly complicated and unpredictable :P You can help with theory or code, even an sugestion will be greatly apreciated :D

Re: SCP: Eric Breach 0.1.3 (That Spam Sandwich) - a 1.04 nan

autotroph wrote:
RealJwxiov wrote:Get a mapmaker and make a SCP-ERIC containment chamber.
Perhaps SCP-096 could have some ERICs in the SFX?
All ERIC personnel please enter the ERIC.
Please approach ERIC-173 for ERIC.
Uhh, there seems to be a ERIC with the ERIC control ERIC. The ERICs arent ERICing any attempts to ERIC it.
So um, please maintain direct ERIC contact with ERIC-173 and just um ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIC
xD :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
:laugh: Yeah I am planning to eric up a lot of sounds eventually. Nice to suggest 096 though, I'll try to add a subtle eric effect to his scream xD As for creating a containment chamber, uh.. That's gonna take a while. I barely know Blitz3D or 3DS, so I'm not gonna be able to anything yet, but I do plan to once I get to learn more.

PS. Um sir Monocle is it OK if I can also check out the code for scrolling too?
im here for fun!
Hmm, perhaps I could make some maps?
I just gotta figure out how to map. This will be AWESOME.


Re: SCP: Eric Breach 0.1.3 (That Spam Sandwich) - a 1.04 nan

enortos5 wrote:i get A user lib not found in scp BOH (Box of horrors) mod And now this time i get another :EXPUNGED: user lib not found.
People seem to be having this problem with FreeImage.dll (based on what I've read) regarding the userlib message, so I'm sorry but I can't fix that.

Unless, of course, you didn't do the basic thing of moving the files to the original SCP:CB game folder. I assume you've done that already though, so if that's so, I can't help :(
SCP: Eric Breach nanomod maker (if anyone wants to revamp it be my guest, as it is now defunct)
Fan of Doctor Who, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Sleepy Hollow, Person of Interest, Happy (2017) and Silicon Valley. And also MCU films.

Re: SCP: Eric Breach 0.1.3 (That Spam Sandwich) - a 1.04 nan

SCP-Sean wrote:
eric as arrived. and will shrek us all.

seriously, if someone made an ERIC monster mod, that was like that image that would chase you around and have loads of erics spawn and chase you, jesus would have came to earth.
Indeed, that would be superb :D Unfortunately college is stressing me out so bad, which is why it's gonna take me quite a while before I can even begin to learn anything involving modeling and animation that would work on Blitz3D and all of that :( I'll try and learn eventually, but it's gonna take me a while for that (years); if there's anyone out there that's willing to give more of Eric I'd be immensely glad :)

For now I'm gonna wait for more bugfixes for 1.0.4 itself before I continue to plan on doing anything else.
SCP: Eric Breach nanomod maker (if anyone wants to revamp it be my guest, as it is now defunct)
Fan of Doctor Who, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Sleepy Hollow, Person of Interest, Happy (2017) and Silicon Valley. And also MCU films.