SCP 015 The pipe Nightmare mod (WIP)

Greetings fellow forum dwellers
A while ago I started a SCP-015 mod purely for lulz and 3D practice.
And I may finish it purely for lulz 3D practice.
Now WHY would an impossible-to-move-location be part of the foundations facility?
Because it was simply a cover up story for [DATA EXPUNGED]. Duh!
Anyway same forum rules apply "pics or it didn't happen".
Ive just gotta dig em out!

Re: SCP 015 The pipe Nightmare mod (WIP)

Like I said before, do not post about it. Posting a thread saying: "SCP-XXX (oh I can't reveal what it is but you should help me make it!" just makes you seem like a complete tit. (I'd also like to point out that posting a teaser of your mod, with no picture, and just saying "I'm working on SCP-[EXPUNGED]" also makes you look like a tit.)
SCP - Box of Horrors v0.8.0b
Github Profile

Re: SCP 015 The pipe Nightmare mod (WIP)

TylerTheFighter24 wrote:I'm looking forward to it.
Dude, this thread half a year old and thus the mod was cancelled long time ago (even since the modder is currently inactive). Sorry for you, bit here's nothing to look forward to anymore...
Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?