Re: [0.9.3] Box of Horrors - A Compilation Mod v0.6.6 (SCP-1

I'm looking for bugs to fix. So far I made some edits to the vanilla source code: fixed some memory leaks, optimized loading times, fixed some bugs with some events, made NullGame free memory manually (no more ClearWorld), etc. Some of the mod's events will need some minor changes to work with these fixes. There are still some memory leaks related to sounds, I'm looking for a way to free up the memory without crashing the game.

Re: [0.9.3] Box of Horrors - A Compilation Mod v0.6.6 (SCP-1

Blinky wrote:DX sucks right Now i can't even open the game :'( :shock: :,( >:( :evil: :twisted: it says something about ERROR LIB What The Heck? How Do You Fix It D:
Instead of spamming smileys you could probably give a bit more helpful explanation, there is a bug report template in the OP if you need it. Just to make sure, did you install it correctly? You can't just run it off the fly, you have to download the latest version of CB and drag the BOH mod into its directory, and run the BOH exe.
It slep time bunner.