Hello everyone,I'm back... And sry for very long post :oops:

I see that multiplayer is going pretty well!
I would appreciate you use my commands I wrote,because I took me hours...But btw,I will put all together,using the newest update,so,lets put all that in one place :D ,alright (some stuff are edited):

*You can host local area network or create online server and share your IP adress.Features:
-Above player heads there is a eye icon,that shows players blink meter.It fades away slowly and then reset back to normal.This means that player blinked.(unless flickers a second when player manualy blinks)
-Eye icon will turn red when players is blinking faster and it will turn blue if player used eyedrops.
-I doesn't show sprinting icon.
-Co-op makes much easer to avoid scp-173,but still,accidents happen.
-Lights have slight chance to flicker making scp move towards nearest player.
-Chatting and voice talking system.Also the nickname.

*Text that appears on events (reporting other players what is going on,orange text is death text,white is normal):
-When player is killed by :173: :%playername% neck got snapped. or %playername% got hugged.
-When player is killed by :106: :%playername% got pulled into other dimension. or %playername% got punched in face.
-When player is killed by clockwork machine :%playername% was playing around too much. or %playername% got gearded.
-When player is killed by coffin :%playername% was watching wrong television. or %playername% couldn't look away.
-When player goes blind(red eyedrops) :%playername% used wrong eyedrops. or %playername% needs blind helping dog.
-When player hears cowbell :Something is stalking %playername%. or %playername%,say hello to scp-513.
-When player dies by mystery bottle :%playername% was too much curious. or %playername% drank some hard chemicals.
-When players smokes the joint :%playername% is gonna get trippy. or %playername% <3 drugz.
-When player enters the maintenance tunnel :%playername% explores the tunnel. or %playername% got very bad ideas.
-When player is killed by administrator :%playername% got bitch slapped by %playernameadmin%. or %playername%

-/kick %playername% %reason% ;kicks the player from server with reason.
-/ban %playername% %reason% ;bans permanently with reason.
-/sorry %playername% ;unbans banned player,deactivates punish command.
-/console off,on ;turns on/off feature to player to use console cheats. [default=off]
-/op %playername% ;gives player ability to use console cheats.
-/deop %playername% ;same as above,but vice versa(takes the ability).
-/disable %scpnumber% ;disables selected scps from the server. [you can put "mtf" in %scpnumber% to disable MTF]
-/enable %scpnumber% ;same as above,but vice versa(enables disabled scps). [you can put "mtf" in %scpnumber% to enable MTF]
-/spawn %scpnumber,%itemname% at %playername%,x y z ;spawns scp or item on player or at selected coordinates
-/despawn %scpnumber%,%itemname% ;resets the starting position of scp or item
-/screw %playername% ;deletes whole player inventory and teleports it to spawn point(scp-173 containment room)
-/tele %playername%,%scpnumber% to %playername%,%scpnumber%,x y z ;teleports player,scp to another player,scp or at selected coordinates.
-/kill %playername% ;kills player instantly.
-/scare %playername% ;flicker a random scp model front of selected player :twisted:
-/punish %playername% ;spawns a scp-087-B model front of the player,this scp chases player by nocliping.Kills on touch.
-/setspawnpoint %playername%,x y z ;sets the spawn point to the player or selected coordinates.
-/infect %deseasename% %playername% ;infects the player with disease from book of common diseases
-/stab 1,2,3,4,5 %playername% ;sets the bleeding level of player
-/heal %playername% ;heals all wounds and cures all diseases on player
-/speed %playername% %value% ;sets the speed of player [default=1]
-/drug %playername% %value% ;invert controls and blur player screen for %value% seconds
-/message %text% ;send %text% message to all players.
-/armageddon ;kills all players with da nuke!(screen goes white on death)
-/ip ;shows server ip
-/seed ;shows server seed
-/whisper %playername% ;sends private message
-/ask %text% ;sends all admins %text%
-/rank %playername% %rank% ;gives rank to the player (or changes rank)
-/warn %playername% %text% ;warn a %playername% with red colored %text%

-When you use /kill command on player,he hears a 914death.ogg sound.
-When you use /punish command on player,he hears horror1.ogg sound.
-When you use /message command,everyone hears buzz.ogg sound.
-When you use /armageddon command,everyone hears Lightgun.ogg sound.
-When you use /screw command on player,he hears sax.ogg sound.

*Special codes that changes text in chat box(txt is used as chat text):
-#txt ;colors text,before #,you put a first letter of desired color.Example: r#scp --> scp
-&txt ;this edits the font,you can put before & u=underline,b=bold,i=italic.Example: u&scp --> scp

-Players can change their skins for D-class models,if server supports different models plugin,then player can change their models.
-Players can write and change their nickname,if there are admins,they can add special codes to their name.
-Admins can install mods and use models from it :)

*Ranks: (guide: -rank name ;rank description !how to get it )
-Player ;A regular player !Join the server.
-Moderator ;This rank can use some commands,but it can't ban/kick players and other stuff for that kind of commands !Respecting rules and being a player to trust.
-Admin ;Can use any command,but it can't do commands like /armageddon or /rank,it also can't ban/kick moderators !Being a good moderator
-Owner ;Owner of server !Own a server
-Co-Owner ;If you want to give all permission to your friend or brother (sister? Nope!) !Owner gives you this rank

*This are the basic rules of every server: (guide: =rank name: -rule ;how many times,punishment
=For players:
-No swearing in chat ;several times,warning ;more several times,mute
-No political topics in chat ;few times,warning ;more few times,mute
-No swearing on moderator/admin ;one time,warning ;second time,kick ;third time,warning for ban ;fourth time,ban
-Don' be an asshole/dick/douche ;first time,warning ;second time,kick ;third time,ban
-No adverting ;first time,kick ;second time,ban
-No spaming ;few times,warning ;more few times,mute
-No hacking/cheating ;first time,kick ;second time,ban
-No whining in chat for being scared ;first time,punish command ;second time,mute
-No asking for higher ranks,for permissions and being annoying ;first time,kick ;second time,ban
=For moderator:
-Don't use any command against other player ;first time,kick ;second time,losing the rank (being a player again)
-Asking fro higher rank ;first time,warning ;second time,kick ;third time,losing the rank
=For admins:
-Don't use any command against other player ;first time,warning ;second time,losing the rank (being a player again)
=For Owner:
=For Co-Owners:
-Being wild and not listening to Owner :) ;Owner decides what to do 8)

Once again,sorry for long post :P :oops:
Working projects:
SCP Minecraft mod

Re: Multiplayer mod?

Wow, this is going to be pretty awesome. Though, how exactly are the rules going to be enforced? Also, how would you know if a player is good enough to be a moderator, and good enough to be an admin.

Plus, how would you enforce all the servers? Surely there can't be a large number of servers, or can there? I'm skeptical, excuse me.

And to rarityismahwaifu, gas masks have to be doubled, it's not a different matter. It is, after all, an item.

Re: Multiplayer mod?

To clear up any confusion, the majority of connections will likely be from a VPN (ie. Hamachi). You can set up a dedicated server if you absolutely need it, but I'm pretty sure none of you want to invest in that. It's highly unlikely that any form of 'new material' will be in the mod for the first few releases, if not ever. I personally don't think that this will be big enough to worry about 'game moderation' or anything of the sort, so I probably will disable the console for any 1.0+ release.
M-x dingus-mode

Re: Multiplayer mod?

I was thinking about one thing.

We can ask Reg if he can let us upload 3 php files and use one table in his sql. If we are allowed, then we can set up a simple masterserver, so you would be able to see someones games, also dedis would be good then, we are going to prepare external server app (Probably Java), with some modding possibilities (custom packets) you would even be able to setup rpg server (I see no need for that, but if you wish...) xD
Oh, we can also use some free hosting, or I can use mine (which is ultra-bad, but still works)...

I will tell it again: This is just MY idea, I haven't consulted it with Monocle (and he will be the one who decides if we r going to implement it), to sum up:

Re: Multiplayer mod?

Ltn Vasquez wrote:Wow, this is going to be pretty awesome. Though, how exactly are the rules going to be enforced? Also, how would you know if a player is good enough to be a moderator, and good enough to be an admin.

Plus, how would you enforce all the servers? Surely there can't be a large number of servers, or can there? I'm skeptical, excuse me.

And to rarityismahwaifu, gas masks have to be doubled, it's not a different matter. It is, after all, an item.
That is was thinking all the time.Maybe a small servers with...em...large map and maxium 10 players? :)

You know the player for moderator/admin when:
-Player is good friend one of the staffs.
-Player is a person to trust enough.
-Staff is liking the player.

All these commands and thing I wrote is just a servers defaults.Owner and Co-Owner can edit these,disabling/enabling different options,adding new stuff.This can be written in configuration file inside server folder,maybe...All examples:

*Editing commands:
-%commandname% modr1 admin1 op1 (command is enabled)

So this command is enabled for moderators,admins and op players,to disable it,swap 1 for 0.To enable it back,swap it back from 0 to 1:
-%commandname% modr0 admin0 op0 (command is disabled)

Or enable it only for mod (for example):
-%commandname% modr1 admin0 op0 (enabled for mod,and this makes no sense.... :? )

But,command enabled for mod will be automatically enabled for admin,because admin is higher rank than moderator.Op player is just a permission from admin/owner.

*Editing rules:

Just add new line or edit the rulename,when player joins,these rules will show up before he spawns in the game.Simple.

*Adding mods;editing models and textures:
%entryname% model:%modelname% texture:%texturename%

Now,copy the mods model and textures in right folders of game.You don't have to replace anything,just type the name of the texture/model in %modelname%/%texturename% and the game will use selected textures and mods.
NOTE: %entryname% is counted as %scpnumber% , %itemname%

*Editing sounds:
Ok,this is very complicated...

%scpnumber% idle:%soundname%,%soundname% kill:%soundname% misc:%soundname%

%itemname% pckup:%soundname% use:%soundname%

Just copy the new sound and type it on %soundname%.MTF and others wont be edited,because MTF has more than several sounds.I dont have mood to write all that but I have mood to write all entry names :) :

=Scp numbers (this is also counted as non-scp entries):

zmb (zombie)
sci (scientist)

=Item names (contains scps):

btl (mystery bottle)
docac (document found in pocket dimension)
docrand1 (random documents)

*Few things for fun.....
In menu screen you can go to your multiplayer options and select:

-Graffiti: Now you can selected and spray pictures around the facility at server!
-Player color: Expect an orange D-Class,you can change the color of the suit,or import your own texture (only if server can support custom textures,which you will upload your textures in the server folder;how to enable: at the server.cfg file inside the server folder: support custom textures mod0 admin0 op0 player0 ;change 0 to 1)
-Custom models: You can change player model (this is same as support custom textures)

There :D
Working projects:
SCP Minecraft mod

Re: Multiplayer mod?

Maybe there could even be competitive multiplayer. If there are 10 to a server, like Daxmarko suggested, and there are nine MTF, one player could be selected at random to play as D-9341. The MTF's main objective is to contain the SCPs. The nine players would have to focus on that, and killing D-9341 is a secondary objective. D-9341 would have to hide from the MTF or slow them down using tesla gates, SCPs, etc. For tesla gates, the MTF could have a technician on the team to disable the gate. If the technician is dead (Yes, it's a permadeath gamemode), they'd have to get past the same way D-9341 did. The round is over when D-9341 escapes or is killed. The MTF players get bonus points for containing SCPs. If D-9341 is killed before they're contained, the MTF players have a certain amount of time to contain them before the round ends. Thoughts?
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: Multiplayer mod?

LukeDude759 wrote:Maybe there could even be competitive multiplayer. If there are 10 to a server, like Daxmarko suggested, and there are nine MTF, one player could be selected at random to play as D-9341. The MTF's main objective is to contain the SCPs. The nine players would have to focus on that, and killing D-9341 is a secondary objective. D-9341 would have to hide from the MTF or slow them down using tesla gates, SCPs, etc. For tesla gates, the MTF could have a technician on the team to disable the gate. If the technician is dead (Yes, it's a permadeath gamemode), they'd have to get past the same way D-9341 did. The round is over when D-9341 escapes or is killed. The MTF players get bonus points for containing SCPs. If D-9341 is killed before they're contained, the MTF players have a certain amount of time to contain them before the round ends. Thoughts?
No, I shouldn't even have to explain why.
M-x dingus-mode

Re: Multiplayer mod?

What port is being used to connect, and what port(s) are being used to detect any servers, if any listings are happening, or being planned?

Re: Multiplayer mod?

Ltn Vasquez wrote:And to rarityismahwaifu, gas masks have to be doubled, it's not a different matter. It is, after all, an item.
That is what I was implying.