Re: Six-Eight-Two

Divinity wrote:Blackout is currently on hold until we can earn a stable income, the project was far too large to work on for free :L

And that team is unfortunately out dated, we've made the team slightly smaller, due to inactivity or people moving on to AAA companies (darn). We lost an animator to Riot Games a few months ago :/
Ok, I'm still kind of dazzled that you were able to find someone who did animations for COD. I mean, even if it is just environmental interaction, still really cool.

Re: Six-Eight-Two

Divinity wrote:We've had people who have worked on all kinds of games, the guy that was head of Qualix Interactive made cinematics for AAA projects, I was also working with someone that worked on Turok for Xbox 360 at one point! Would you still like to help out with those weapon animations? :)
Yeah, I can do it anytime. A PM or an email is fine. I'm signing up for the forums later today, with the same alias, so you can link me there too.

Re: Six-Eight-Two

I see what happened.

Lots of indie Devs forget to follow game development standards and just called it an alpha.

I think i am gonna make a thread on this.


Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished. A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.

First playable:

The first playable is the game version containing representative gameplay and assets, this is the first version with functional major gameplay elements. It is often based on the prototype created in pre-production.

most of the above ripped of wikipedia