Search found 26 matches

Re: Is this a bug or..what?

Hang on.... 173 and 096 are capable of recognizing each others presence in some way? I dunno. I got really scared when I saw 173 and 096 in the same lockroom. But, 173 was staring at 096, and 096 was like "Don't move,I luv u statue" and I blinked a thousand times and it doesn't move. So.. I believe...

Is this a bug or..what?

Hey guys! I have a question about something really weird that happened to me today. I was playing 6.3, and then I foun 096 in it's lockroom. Okay, huh? So, INSIDE THE LOCKROOM was that..little bastard.. 173. But the point is: It doesn't move. 096 seems to be in it's line of sight, and I blink a thou...

Re: Sketch a SCP!

Here, another one! SCP-682 and 053 together. It's unfinished.. but.. yeah. I hope you guys like this too! [/url] Aww, it's adorable that the only one to ever "tame" 682, was an innocent little girl. Can't wait to see it finished...

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