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Re: Theories and science thread.

We should just change the name to the "My opinion" thread, cause that's where this is going. How about a new topic of discussion? No, this is hilarious. What's so funny about the big bang theory It's just nerds saying stupid shit... BAZINGA The actual scientific theory, not the shitty TV show. BAZI...

Re: Theories and science thread.

I don't believe in the Big Bang Theory just because comparing to the theory that an omnipotent entity created the universe, makes no sense. First of, it seems weird how a cube of compressed matter just appeared out of the nowhere, also how the gases with no apparent reason just ignited and made tha...

Re: CONFESS! (Forum Game)

I enjoy jerking it to ponies. I have 3 pikmin X MLP clopfics. I wrote them. I am 9 years old and weigh 300 pounds. I am le reddit atheist and lick the ground Ron Paul walks on. I snorted LSD once. I am a member of the taliban. I love America and its government. I hate libertarians. I am a martian. W...

Re: did you guys forget who had the ideia for the map creato

lock this thread
As Ketercheat logged onto the forums, his mind was in a daze. There was a thread claiming credit for a new feature in the game that was replied to. Now, the thread served no purpose. No meaning. It wasn't locked. He was joyous. he could type anything he wanted.

sieg heil

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