Search found 56 matches

Re: Dev Topic

I am really excited for SCP-860! It is a fantastic addition to the game, and I applaud you Regalis on its addition. I can't wait to see it implemented in any sort of form. I feel it might even outdo 173 in freakiness factor :D

Re: SCP Suggestions General

SCP-1021- Possible ending to the game? SCP-017 - Quickly moves about when lights are turned off, possibility of lamps from cell being able to be acquired and ward off this SCP. Appearance of a shadow that shifts through your vision, then engulfs the subject. SCP-294 - Cool effects similar to 914 dep...

Re: Ideas For 420-J?

spartan322 wrote:
UnbeknownstWatcher wrote:SCP 420-J should be something that you can use to get out of the pocket dimension that SCP-106 traps you in.
That makes no sense. It has nothing to do with the SCP itself.
I understand it is a silly idea, but I had a funny coincidence with a friend..

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