Search found 5 matches

Player Creator and Texture Packs

Hey, this isn't really a suggestion for a new SCP, but a suggestion nonetheless! I was wondering whether someone could create sort of a third person mode and a sort of character creator/chooser, rather than just the normal D-Class. I mean, it should still be a D-Class, but you could maybe take popul...

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hey guys and girls, my name, as you can probably read because you are not blind, is ArchRaziel! I play SCP and love it a lot, so will be posting a lot of stuff, either as queries or to help other players with random problems that they may have.... So yeah, I expect that I will be killed numerous tim...

Re: Half-Life: Resonance Cascade v2.4.2 (The Model Updλte)

[quote="CLgaming"]EDIT: "In my 13 years of life, I have never seen such progress made in any mod this quickly. I think I speak for the entire team when I say: We are grateful for our non-stop working and hoping for a public release sometime before next month. We started low back in April, now look a...

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