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I have come to agree On your Idea Steelpoint, Some SCP are capable of Conversation The only 2 That are Capable of it, and do not currently have this Feature Gamewise are, 049 and 682. Therefore I believe it would be a good idea to add such Behavior to SCP-049. FUN FACT: SCP-079 and SCP-990 also talk.

The CB wiki has moved.

Just a quick announcement for all those that didn't already know, the Containment Breach wiki has migrated from Wikia to Gamepedia. Here's the link to the wiki: Make sure to read these pages before editing: Some changes...

Re: My Joke SCP

The idea might have potential, but it didn't make me laugh. And considering how easily amused I usually am, then that's probably a bad sign. What you mean it is a bad sign? I am suggesting that if someone who is as easily amused as myself didn't find this funny, then the folks at the SCP wiki would...

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